ShakeOut 2020

The Great California ShakeOut annual organized earthquake drill.

ShakeOut 2020


The Great California ShakeOut annual organized earthquake drill.

Ended: 4 years 3 months ago

When: October 15, 2020 3:15 AM to 11:00 AM UTC


The Great Shakeout is an organized annual public earthquake DRILL – not a real earthquake.

The event typically takes place on the 3rd Thursday in October of each year.
The 2020 ShakeOut drill is scheduled for Thursday October 15th, 2020 – at 10:15 AM

Get a quick introduction to the Great California Shakeout Drill right here.

Everyone – everywhere on the planet – should know how to protect themselves during earthquakes. Even if earthquakes are rare where you live, they may happen where you or your family travel. Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills are an annual opportunity for people in homes, schools, and organizations to practice what to do during earthquakes, and to improve preparedness. The ShakeOut began in California and has also been organized in many other states and countries. Official ShakeOut Regions require significant local or regional coordination, typically by an emergency management agency or an alliance of many organizations. If you are interested in establishing a ShakeOut drill for your region please visit If your state, province, or country is not yet participating you can register yourself or your organization as part of the global participation total.

Many areas of the globe are prone to earthquakes. You could be anywhere when an earthquake strikes: at home, at work, at school or even on vacation. Are you prepared to survive and to recover quickly? Great ShakeOut earthquake drills are an opportunity to practice how to be safer during earthquakes: “Drop, Cover and Hold On”. ShakeOut also has been organized to encourage you, your community, your school, or your organization to update emergency plans and supplies, and to secure your space in order to prevent damage and injuries.

How to participate and prepare

There are many ways for individuals, businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, community groups, government agencies, and others to participate in the ShakeOut, to get prepared for earthquakes, and to share what you’re doing with others so they can do the same. Scroll down for basic instructions on how to plan your drill and get prepared. Select from the following list to download flyers with customized ideas for what you or your organization can do:

Consider what may happen when an earthquake shakes your area. Plan what you will do now to prepare, so that when it happens you will be able to protect yourself and then recover quickly. See this page for what to do if you have a disability or an activity limitation. Talk to other people or organizations about what they have done, and encourage them to join you in getting more prepared. Display posters around your community, classroom, or office space and provide flyers for further information.

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