
Discussion Epicenter

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Fresh: 5 years, 10 months ago
1 Topics
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The central discussion forum on all community, world and earthquake-related news, announcements and general topics. Participants and VIPs may eventually request a new and separate forum dedicated to their specific organization or group. All forums, topics and replies are searchable from inside any forum.
Fresh: 5 years, 9 months ago
1 Topics
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Public meeting and event announcements in your city, regional area. Post a community wide announcement with date, time, details, and directions to your group's event, and receive follow-up questions or comments. VIP members may also create an event in our events section - which will automatically be added to the events calendar.
Fresh: 5 years, 9 months ago
1 Topics
0 Replies

Your personal experience surviving and recovering earthquakes. Have an interesting story to tell? Help others understand the importance of preparedness. Stories range from terrifying and heartwarming to humorous and entertaining.
Fresh: 5 years, 10 months ago
1 Topics
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Fresh: 5 years, 9 months ago
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A potentially private forum with participation restricted to upgraded members, monthly subscribers and those from key organizations. Visibility and participation by permission and member/subscriber level. New forum(s) may be created for any one, specific organization or group.
Fresh: 5 years, 9 months ago
1 Topics
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Special recognition and deserved accolades honoring active participants and citizens of the world who have dedicated their efforts - and their lives - for the sake and safety or others in times of earthquake, tsunami, resulting fire and other widespread emergencies.
Fresh: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Have questions? Get answers by broadcasting a general question in the Q & A forum directed at industry professionals, officials, speakers and advisors. Additionally, if you have questions, comments or suggestions about the website, feel free to drop them here.
Fresh: 5 years, 9 months ago
0 Topics
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Resources, references, learning materials, helpful links and information about relief such as CERT, QuakeSmart or even Earthquake insurance. This may include emergency contacts. As materials are added here, they can be sorted and added to our featured front-end and searchable archives.

The forums are generally publickly available, but participation is restricted to registered/upgraded members only. The forums will open when public registration commences in Q1, 2019 after we prepare our community guidelines. In the mean time, you may contact us if you would like a forum ( or subforum ) created exclusively for your group, organization or region. Private forums are also available. Thank you.