We unofficially opened for public preview on 2019.01.01.
Joining will commence some time in Q1, at which time our advanced features will be available to registered members.
Three of these features include geolocation services -
with push notifications - single-click responses, and the creation of groups.
When every member logs in, those who specify a private address on their profile will instantly be shown:
• The nearest recent earthquake to them, and relevant data about it.
• Their distance to the strongest earthquakes within 100/300 and 1000 KM, and relevant data about them.
• Distance to the
"the last big one" that occurred on planet Earth.
• A link to "all earthquakes nearby" within their selected range - this hour, today, this week and this month.
• Selectable preferences to accept push notifications by SMS text and/or email for any earthquake (M5+) within a certain range.
• A private list of friends or family can be created to notify them (or be notified) of any significant earthquake they may be affected by.
All features already function like an "app". The website interface allows you to conveniently do the same thing, but it also allows guests and
UN-registered visitors to try it out without joining at all. The primary importance is to make certain features, materials and information available for everyone on the planet with an internet connection. This includes non-members who need surface-level information, and not just those who already actively participate.
As it stands, most people generally go about their daily lives giving little thought to preparing for
"the next big one" (or any unexpected emergency) in their lives. They tend to take more of an interest AFTER it occurs, and even then, only if they are somehow negatively affected by it.
The first maxim of business:
"It doesn't matter what you're selling. It only matters what people will buy".
So if someone wants to get an "earthquake preparation app" out there into as many hands as possible, they may have to market it as . . . a foot massager.
If you figure out how to do this, please let us know.
To more succinctly answer your question: Baby steps. We're working on it.