Safer Cities Technical Summit

2019 Safer Cities Technical Summit - Fire, Earthquakes, Politics, and The Challenges Still Facing Southern California 25 Years After Northridge

Safer Cities Technical Summit


2019 Safer Cities Technical Summit - Fire, Earthquakes, Politics, and The Challenges Still Facing Southern California 25 Years After Northridge

Ended: 6 years 2 months ago

Admission: Inquire about tickets and reservations


25 years ago on Jan. 17th, the LA area was woken up by a devastating earthquake that continues to impact our community and structural engineers today. Lives were lost. Buildings collapsed. Some $40 Billion in damages.

Join us on Saturday Jan. 19th for SEAOSC’s premiere event of 2018/2019 when the 2019 Safer Cities Technical Summit will be held in Long Beach, CA. This Technical Summit features an unbelievable lineup of great topics of immense relevance to all of our members from Member SE’s to our Student Members. You need to be here. Your co-workers need to be here. If you need SAP training or need to renew it, you need to be here. Seats are limited so do not wait to register for what will be a highlight of the SEAOSC year.

Topics, spread between two tracks:

• Safety Assessment Program Training for new Volunteers (all-day).
• A 2-hour Safety Assessment Program Training for those volunteers needing to renew.
• SEAOSC Safer Cities Policy Developments including updates on the Policy Breakfast, local ordinances, and the legislative efforts.
• Fire including developments from our SEAOC Fire Ad Hoc Committee, a presentation by the Building Official for the City of Ventura, and observations from Paradise by Dr. Glassman, who was deployed to Paradise as part of the FEMA US&R team as their structural advisor.
• The Learned and Unlearned Lessons from Northridge presented by the Steel Committee.
• The SEAOSC Premiere of Quake Heroes, a new documentary about those who experienced the earthquake and made a difference helping others. Our own Ken O’Dell is featured!
• Stories from those who have been deployed as Safety Assessment Program Volunteers for Northridge and for Katrina.
• Insights into the Proper Soft Story Retrofits occurring throughout the region.
• When is an Alteration Too Much? A presentation about altering an existing building especially important as various retrofit programs are being implemented.

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