2019 Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering

An international conference on earthquake engineering, held every four years in different locations around the Pacific.

2019 Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering


An international conference on earthquake engineering, held every four years in different locations around the Pacific.

Ended: 5 years 10 months ago

Admission: Inquire about tickets and reservations


An international conference on earthquake engineering, held every four years in different locations around the Pacific. Attendance is typically around 500 people from academia and industry. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to advertise the conference on the SSA website, to encourage attendees from the United States. The 2019 conference is in Auckland, New Zealand, and will cover seismic hazard, tsunami hazard and earthquake geotechnical engineering and seismic design of structures. The theme for the 2019 conference is “Turning hazard awareness into risk mitigation”. The conference website is https://www.confer.nz/pcee2019/.

If there are any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me on the email address I supplied.

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