Young air traffic controller who died during Indonesia earthquake hailed a hero. Flight navigation officials confirmed that 21-year-old Anthonius Gunawan Agung died after ensuring that the last commerical flight from Palu, Indonesia safely took off as a powerful 7.5 earthquake hit Indonesia on Friday, Sept. 28th – claiming at least 800 lives. See Palu earthquake details right here. The young man dedicated himself to his job until the end of his life, and did not leave the control tower until the aircraft safely took off, even though the earthquake had struck. AirNav Indonesia has honored him for his service. .
He should be long remembered. Earthquake.co will dedicate a special section for remarkable examples of humanity like him.

Telah wafat saat menjalankan tugasnya sebagai personel layanan navigasi penerbangan, Saudara Anthonius Gunawan Agung, Air Traffic Controller (ATC) AirNav Indonesia Cabang Palu pada Sabtu (29/09).#RIPAgung #DoaUntukSulteng#PrayforDonggala #PrayforPalu pic.twitter.com/6Wpobp3R7m
— AirNav Indonesia (@AirNav_Official) September 29, 2018